Kid's Ministry Volunteer Application

1. Fill out the form below
2. After submitting the form a background check will be processed.
3. After your background check has cleared, we will contact you to answer any questions you have have and set up a time to meet with you.
4. Once your background check has cleared and you have met with an APC staff member you can start volunteering with us!
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
I understand that to verify my suitability as a volunteer worker for the children's ministry, All Peoples Church may request a criminal records search. I understand that the personal information will be held confidential by the church leadership.

I hereby authorize All Peoples Church to obtain any information which pertains to any record convictions maintained on me whether local, state or national.

We ask all our volunteers to be "imitators of God" (Ephesians 5:1). As a volunteer, you will be in a position of spiritual leadership. Although our church community welcomes all types of people, certain persons should not volunteer in our ministry until they have been discipled and are in their own process of healing.

Persons who have a current dependency (chemical/sexual/emotional co-dependency/other addiction), persons involved in a sexual relationship outside of marriage, persons currently involved in illegal drug use, or persons currently undergoing their own personal restoration before serving in this ministry.

Furthermore, because our ministry impacts the life of children and minors, any person with a history of sexual contact with minors need not apply.


1. Fill out the form below
2. After submitting the form a background check will be processed.
3. After your background check has cleared, we will contact you to answer any questions you have have and set up a time to meet with you.
4. Once your background check has cleared and you have met with an APC staff member you can start volunteering with us!